The Day I left...

Published on Sunday, May 23, 2010 in

The day i left...
The cloud was as dark as the shadows that followed me with every steps that i took...
As i saw they crawled over the sky, with a melancholic atmosphere....
The wind that blew,brushes through the very deep soul of mind....
I took the last glance at them....
The one that i had been loving all this while...sisters fillah...the memoirs that lies in here...and the wonderful people that I've met..(May Allah bless all of you)...

The day I left...
There was no more tears that I shall shed...
Due to this hurtful moment...
As I knew...that this is never the end of everything....
And because I knew....
That I love you....because of Him...
And for i Knew that we are the one that meets up and take apart for Him...

The day I left,
I saw those tears running down your cheeks...
Don't be sad...for I shall bare the same pain that you're feeling...
why isn't there any tears shedding from my eyes...
Coz i've put my heart somewhere in a box...
somewhere...where it could be sealed from feeling the emotions of today....
On the day I left....

The day I left...
I knew that the real test had now begin....
Allah...Give me the strength to go through this...
As You're the only place where i could befall on to...

"And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!"~Al Inshiqaq;9

I shall not cry...for i know..that we'll meet again...if not in this world...may it be in Jannah....Insya Allah..
loving all of you every second of my life...

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8 Response to The Day I left...

a.i.s.y.a.h. i.s.m.a.i.l
May 23, 2010 at 8:36 AM

dearest ukhti.

salam'alaiki. kef hal?

moga allah redhai dan berkati pertemuan, ukhuwah dan perpisahan untuk meneruskan perjalanan da'wa yang lebih panjang ini.


love fillah,
ur sis.

Khairunnisa mohamad Yusof
May 24, 2010 at 7:01 PM

di KMB segalanya bermula....satu perjalanan yg pasti sentiasa dalam ingatan....
Segala puji bagi Allah..atas segala kurnianNya ini..

abil asror
May 24, 2010 at 9:41 PM

ur stalker dah mai..=)

May 24, 2010 at 11:38 PM

sis Aisyah...
Insya Allah...sentiasa mengharapkan keredhaan-Nya untuk segala urusan...
tak sabar nak jmp akak...

Love fillah jugak...
ur sis..

May 24, 2010 at 11:39 PM

takpe...krn ukhuwwah ini hadiah drp tautan iman...maka bibit2 kasihnya akan sentiasa mekar, selagi ader secebis iman di hati...
moga bertemu di syurga nanti...

May 24, 2010 at 11:40 PM

stalker2 tak baek tau...
nanti kene tangkap tak tau...

June 2, 2010 at 4:54 AM

yo! tee hee heeee

June 3, 2010 at 3:18 AM

haha...slamat datang...wee...