22nd May 2009
Semester 2 exam is over!!!!
It's unbelievable to think that we are going to be the seniors next sem....
O Allah, help us...lead our way...
Alhamdulillah...KMBian's worst nightmares had finally reached to an end...
What comes after this....would be the heart pounding experience, a palm sweating sensation not forgetting the feeling of shouting to the whole wide world!!!!
well of course the excitement would be more then the revelation day of our penpals...huhu...
talking about the exam...
Maths just can't stop killing eveRY SECOND OF MY LIFE...But to keep trying is the best that i can do...
Business and management...writing and writing...there's no time to take a break juz to think about what you are suppossed to write...end result: you can't even remember what had you answered!!!
Malay A1 and English B- it's all about writing...no comments...
Biology....well, many of them said that it was past year's...but, i didn't see a single question past years papers that i've reviewed the day before..huhu..sigh...
Last but not least...
Chemistry....sorry to say...but my heart was really not there when doing this paper...its at home....huhu..my bad...
O Allah may all the hard work that we had gone through gain the the redha from You...
As all that we are hoping for is the love of You in every single thing that we do...
We study for Islam...
We go through the hardship of learning as those are the ones who Allah had given them the promise of better placings in the hereafter,
We are working hard day by day, flipping all the notes,the thick and heavy books of chemistry and biology,cracking our head just to solve all the maths and stats question and those tons and tons of IA's and EE workload just to gain His love...
We work hard to study in the field of medicine...to be a doctor one day...is also for the sake of Islam...
To bring Islam to the way it was before...
the olden Glorious Day of Islam...
We are the next Salahudin Al-Ayubi!!!
We are the next generations of Sultan Mehmed Al-Fateh!!!
We are who we are!!!
We are THE MUSLIMS!!!!
So Just do the duties!!!!
So to all the woriors of Islam out there!!!be patient...As Allah is always be with you!!!
May He always provide us with the strength to keep fighting!!!~Amin~
3 Response to The End of Semester 2!!!!
"Beristiqamahlah kamu sepertimana yang diperintahkan, begitu juga sesiapa yang bersamamu yang telah bertaubat (berada dijalan benar, hendaklah mereka beristiqamah juga seperti kamu) dan janganlah kamu melampaui batas-batas (yang telah diperuntukkan) Sesungguhnya Dia maha melihat apa saja yang dilakukan kamu".
hud: 112
take care my dear =) moga terus thabat
kakak, bolehkan saya copy and paste ini di blog saya satu hari nnti? somehow, it gives me the strength that im neede to be part of the IB world and the hardship that i will be facing in less than 20 days from now. :)
Adik Adiba...
of course bley la sayang...
ambillah..moga akak dapat terus membantu...Insya Allah, selagi ader Dia yang membantu kita,segala onak pasti dapat ditempuhi jua...
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